You probably saw my last post. I’ve changed my mind
I realize now that my art will not always be perfect. I need to enjoy drawing instead of throwing a tantrum when it doesn't get the appeal I want. I'm 14. I'm not gonna be the best artist right away. That's what practice is for. Keeping my old art up will help me learn what I need to do differently and the issues with it so I can see it and do better. Not erase my legacy on this site. I'm sorry for the way I acted. It was stupid. I let all of you down and I let myself down. I need to realize that its not about the awards or recognition you get. It's about how much you enjoy doing it. And I need to accept feedback and not take it personal. I should be grateful that someone is willing to critique it and help me make it better. So I'm gonna upload my art back to the portal and future art with a more positive mindset.